Fake/Replica/Imitation Products

About Fake/Replica/Imitation Goods

Some sellers may sell fake replica items. However, we do not support you to purchase replica items. And FreeShoppingChina.com reserves the rights to refuse the request to purchase the replica/faked item before we make the purchase.



How to Judge a Fake Item?

title &description: in general case, most sellers will list clearly that their items are not genuine/original.
item price: this is the most important factor to judge a fake item. Normally fake item price will be much lower than the original price as you known.
pictures in detail: generally seller just wants to show their item with good quality by placing detailed pictures.

But in the other side, if one seller's listings say it is original or genuine item, we can't trust it entirely. Because even within fake/replica items, there are much difference in qualities. Some A-class items are almost same as original items, and it's hard to be judged by normal consumers. So this kind of A-class items maybe sale as authentic at a high price.



What if My Order Includes Fake Items?

FreeShoppingChina.com can NOT and has NO ability to judge a fake item from your order. We just take the action of purchase from the links you provide in your order.
But it will bring high risk to pass customs if your parcel contains fake items and it has possibility to be checked up and held by your customs. And if your parcel had been forfeited for this reason, FreeShoppingChina.com will NOT take any responsibility and make NO compensation for your lost, even though you have paid for shipping insurance.

So we suggest buyers to avoid fake/replica items. Actually we suggest users to avoid purchasing items of famous brands but with too cheap prices.


Related Chinese words in item title:
    * 正品/真品 - genuine; original; authentic; real
    * 仿/高仿/超A - fake; replica; imitation; bootleg; A class
    * 原厂 - from original factory
    * 原单 - from original orders, but be rejected by brand's owner due to the slight defects or late shipment
    * 余单/尾单 - overstock or rejected from original orders
    * 跟单 - following the original orders, but not authentic by the brand's owner
    * 外贸/出口 - for export items
    * 国货/山寨 - fake/replica but in China self-owned brand

Tags:Purchasing Fake/Replica/Imitation products

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