What is Buying/Shopping Agent

You may have experienced some difficulties of buying from Chinese websites because of the following reasons:
1. All those websites are in Chinese language, very hard to understand.
2. The sellers are not able to speak English and there is difficulties in communication.
3. To register an account and make payments on these sites are difficult.
4. When asking for a customer service, it extremely difficult because of language barrier.

And there may be even other difficulties.

Apparently, if someone can stand by and help you solve all of these difficulties, you will feel buying online in China will be much much easier. Yes, this is what buying agent do. Buying agent will assist you to solve all of the difficulties with their ability and experience. Even, agent will give you some advice or remind you when you are trying to buy something that may have possible problems. In short, buying agent is someone helping you make the buying process easier.

FreeShoppingChina.CN is a typical buying agent helping you buy from TaoBao.com and Tmall.com with ease! FreeShoppingChina.CN team has more than 6 years of buying from TaoBao.com, Tmall.com and 1688.com for tens of thousands of users over the world in another international site FreeShoppingChina.com(.com site is for shipping to destination outside of China, .cn site is for shipping to destination within China). And you will love buying with FreeShoppingChina.CN's service!

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