How to Return/Refund

If you have received some defected item or incorrect item and it's not acceptable, you can return the item to the seller for refund.


The returning and refund is actually the biggest challenge to buying agent. Current, we have designed it as following process:


1. Contact our customer service to provide the photos of the item and solid reason of why it's defected and not acceptable. The request must be made within 7 days after the item is delivered.


2. FreeShoppingChina.CN will talk to the seller and apply for return and refund according to the rules of and


3. a.) If you are having experience to ship with domestic shipping, or the item is large, you can ship to the seller's return address directly. b.) If the item is small and you are not familiar with shipping with domestic shipping, we will arrange domestic shipping company to come pick up.  (Be aware, the domestic shipping for item return may need you to pay the shipping fee first. This fee will later be refunded to you together with item cost.)


4. After the item is received by the seller, FreeShoppingChina.CN will follow up and get the refund from seller.


5. Once the refund is finished with the seller, the refund will also be returned to your member account in FreeShoppingChina.CN. You can later use it to buy other products or withdraw it.

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